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2018-03-26 15:25:53 



Must be goods within the scope of VAT and consumption tax collection. The collection scope of value-added tax and consumption tax includes all VAT taxable goods other than the tax-free agricultural products directly acquired from agricultural producers, and 11 categories of consumer goods such as tobacco, alcohol, and cosmetics that enumerate consumption tax.
The reason why this condition must be met is that the tax refund (exemption) for export goods can only be refunded or exempted from taxes and tax payable for goods that have already been subjected to value-added tax or consumption tax. Goods that are not subject to VAT or consumption tax (including goods that are exempt from taxation by the state) cannot be refunded to fully reflect the principle of "non-refundable".
2.必须是报关离境出口的货物。所谓出口,即输出关口,它包括自营出口和委托代理出口两种形式。区别货物是否报关离境出口,是确定货物是否属于退(免)税范围的主要标准之一。凡在国内销售、不报关离境的货物,除另有规定者外,不论出口企业是以外汇还是以人民币结算,也不论出口企业在财务上如何处理,均不得视为出口货物予以退税。 对在境内销售收取外汇的货物,如宾馆、饭店等收取外汇的货物等等,因其不符合离境出口条件,均不能给予退(免)税。出口退税代理公司,青岛巨晖更专业!
2. It must be the goods for customs clearance. The so-called export, that is, the export gate, it includes self-operated export and commissioned agent exports in two forms. Differentiating whether goods are declared for export or not is one of the main criteria for determining whether the goods fall within the scope of tax rebate (exemption). Where goods are sold domestically or not, they are not allowed to be regarded as export goods for refund regardless of whether the export company uses foreign exchange or settled in renminbi, unless otherwise specified. For goods sold within China that receive foreign exchange, such as hotels and restaurants that receive foreign exchange, etc., because they do not meet the conditions for exit from the country, they cannot give refund (exempt) taxes.
3. The goods must be sold financially. Exported goods can only be refunded (exempted) after they have been financially sold. In other words, the export rebate (exemption) tax regulations apply only to trade-oriented export goods, and to non-commodity export goods, such as gifts donated, goods purchased by individuals in China, and goods brought out of the country (as otherwise specified Except for), samples, exhibits, mailings, etc., because they are generally not financially sold, they cannot be refunded (exempted) according to the current regulations.
4. Must be the goods that have been collected and written off. According to the current regulations, the export goods that an export enterprise applies for handling refund (exempt) taxes must be goods that have been received in foreign exchange and written off by the foreign exchange administrative department. Under normal circumstances, an exporter must apply to the taxation authority for goods subject to tax rebate (exemption) at the same time. However, production enterprises (including production enterprises with import and export rights, production enterprises entrusting foreign trade companies to export, and foreign-invested enterprises, the same below) must apply an additional condition when they apply for tax refund (exemption) of export goods, that is, apply for withdrawal. The (exempt) goods must be self-produced by the production enterprise (except for foreign-invested enterprises that have been approved by the provincial foreign trade department to purchase export goods).


